Natural Coir Fenders for boats and moorings | RopesDirect

Medium Coir Boat Fender

Medium Coir Boat Fender

£34.92 Inc VAT

5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Oblong Coir Fender.

Length 46cms, Diameter 15cms.

This Fender is hand made in India with 100% Natural Coir, an eco-friendly product from a renewable source and managed harvest. Coir is lightweight, durable, springy, flexible and resistant to damage by salt water.

Coir Boat Fenders are often used on barges, narrowboats, workboats and moorings.

Product CodeFENDER18
ManufacturerRopes Direct
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Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Don't know about Boats, but apparantly big Cats love them!

OK, I'm not able to tell you much or indeed anything about the boating benefits of this item as it was expressly requested for the big cat sanctuary in Smarden Kent for their big cats for play and stimulation. I understand these fenders are wonderful for the cats and if anyone else wants to buy one and send it along, just look up BIG CAT SANCTUARY on google, I am sure they will be delighted with as many donations of these great items as possible as pussycats, especially lions and tigers are going to destroy a fair few! I can confirm that communication, service and speedy delivery were all excellent!G.Gilliver (9 Apr 2018, 10:02)
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